What is sample in garments industry?

 Types of sample produce according to buyer demand:

What are sample clothes?

 There is various type of sample those are given below-

 1. Original sample:

This type of sample made of original fabric and accessories according to buyer/customer sketch and measurement. Sometimes buyer/Customer send this sample for pricing & develop sample as original.

 2. Counter sample:

Counter sample can be defined as the reference sample of the original and signed sample. The counter sample is made the same way as the original sample is made and sent to the buyer.

 3. Proto/ Develop/Fit sample:

Are also known as the first sample. Proto samples are normally made with available fabric, here measurement & styling is very important but need not to match the fabric and accessories.

 4. Seal (Red or Gold) sample:

Seal sample is approved by the buyer with tag. That means buyer approved (With fabric & all trims) this sample for bulk production.

 5. Size set sample:

All sizes of sample are produced such as S, M, L, XL, etc, and send to buyer for final approval to start bulk production, here very important issue is measurement. This sample made with all actual fabric & trims.

6. Wash sample:

Shade of wash sample must be matched with original sample after washing. It also determined by grey scale.

 7. Pre-production sample (PP):

First garment of bulk production is called pre- production sample. PP sample is considered to be a contract between the buyer and the factory. PP sample are made whit all actual items.

 8. Add sample:

For advertising of the product buyer want this type of sample.

 9. Sales man sample (SMS):

To supply the new product in different showroom. SMS samples are sent out to sales reps in order to take pre-orders or intent orders from trade show, retailers and wholesale accounts.

 10. Photo sample:

Only photograph of the product is send to buyer.

 11. Shipment/ Reference sample:

After completion the shipment of the garment some garments are kept in sample room which are known as shipment or reference sample.

 12. Pre-line sample:

This type of sample is collected from anyone line during production.

 13. Lab-test sample:

Sample is tested by third party or buyer’s nominated lab. This sample that is collected from the bulk production and send to a testing lab for garment performance test (GPT) as buyer requirement.


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