Common Abbreviations for Textile and Apparel Technology



AGM= Assistant General Manager.

AAQC= American Association of Quality Control.

AQL= Acceptable Quality Level.




BGMEA= Bangladesh Garments Manufacturing and Exporters Association.

BTMC= Bangladesh Textile Mill Corporation.

BGWUC= Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council.

BL= Bill ofLading.

BFQ= Better Fisheries Quality.

BWTG= Better Worker in Textile Garments.

BY= Bas Year.

BQSP= Bangladesh Quartet Support Programme.

BE= Bachelor of Engineering.

BTMA= Bangladesh Textile Mill Association.

BB L/C= Back To Back L/C.




CBL= Center Back Line.

CFL= Center Front Line.

C and F= Cost and Freight.

CIF= Cost, Insurance and Freight.

CMT= Cost of Making with Trimming/Cut make trim/Cut make thread.

CMO= Cost of Making Order.

CO= Certificate of Origin.

CAD= Computer Aided Design.

CAM= Computer Aided Manufacturing.

CSO= Chief Security Officer.

CBM= Cubic Meter.

CNF= Clearing & Forwarding.

CEO= Chief Executive Officer.

CF= Cubic Feet.

CS= Shade Difference Between Center and Selvedge in Woven Fabric.



DTM= Dyed To March.




EPI= Ends Per Inch.

EPB= ExporterPromotion Bureau.

EU= European Union.

ETP=Effluent Treatment Plan.

ETD= Stands for Estimated Time of Delivery (Shipment Delivery Schedule).

ETA= Stands for Estimated Time of Arrival (Shipment Arrival Schedule).

ETB= Estimated Time of Berthing.




FOB= Free OnBoard.

FY=Financial Year.

FPP= Full Package Production.



GDP= Growth Domestic Product.

GSP= Generalized System of Preference.

GATT= Generalized Agreement on Tariffs and Taxes.

GOB= Government Of Bangladesh.

GB= Great Britain.

GM= General Manager.

GPT= Garments Performance Test.

GSM= Grams Per Square Meter.

GLM= Grams Per Linear/Running Meter.



HS CODE= Harmonized System (Harmonized Commodity Description And Coding System).



IFTU= International Federation of Trade Union.

IMF= International Monetary Fund.

ILO= International Labor Organization.

ISO= International Organization For Standardization.




KPI= Key Performance Indicators.




LDC= Latest Developed Country.

LCA= Letter ofCredit Authorization.

L= Large(Size).

L/C= LetterOf Credit.




M and W= Men and Women.

M= Medium(Size).

MFA= Multi Fiber Arrangement.

MOT= Ministry of Textile.

MOC= Ministry of Commerce.




NSA= No Seam Allowance




OTT= Over The Top.



PTS= Primary Textile Sectors.

PSI= Pre-Shipment Inspection.

PTI= Private Textile Industry.

P/C= Polyester + Cotton.

PM= Production Manager.

PPI=Picks Per Inch.

PSI= Pre-Shipment Inspection.

PO= Production Officer.

PO= Purchase Order.




RnD= Textile Research And Development.

RFD/PFD= Ready For Dyeing/Prepared For Dyeing.



S= Small(size).




TUF= Technology Upgradation Fund.

T/C= Tetron + Cotton.

TU= Trade Union.

T&A= Time & Action Plan.



UD= UtilizationDeclaration.

UP=Utilization Permission.

UNDP= United Nations Development Programme.

UNIDO= United Nation International Development Organization.

UNEC= United Nation Economic and Development Commission



VAT= Value added Tax.



WTO= World Trade Organization.

W and C= Women and Girls.




XL= Extra Large(size)






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